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Gumbo Family Wines


Pinot Noir: Pinot Noir is widely recognized as one of the flagship varieties of Waipara. The region’s cool climate and diverse soils, including the Glenmark Gravels, contribute to the production of expressive and complex Pinot Noir wines. These wines often display red fruit flavors, vibrant acidity, and a distinct mineral character.

Riesling: Waipara has gained a reputation for producing high-quality Riesling. The region’s cool temperatures and well-drained soils, such as the Omihi Silt Loam, contribute to the development of aromatic and crisp Riesling wines. Waipara Rieslings are known for their balance between sweetness and acidity.

Chardonnay: Chardonnay is another significant grape variety cultivated in Waipara. The region’s diverse soils, including clay-limestone soils, contribute to the production of Chardonnay wines with a range of styles. Waipara Chardonnays often exhibit a balance of fruit flavors, minerality, and well-integrated oak.

Pinot Gris: Pinot Gris thrives in Waipara’s climate, and the grape variety has gained popularity in the region. The wines are known for their aromatic profiles, with notes of stone fruit, pear, and spice. The balance between acidity and texture is a characteristic feature of Waipara Pinot Gris.

Sauvignon Blanc: While Marlborough is more widely associated with Sauvignon Blanc in New Zealand, Waipara also produces notable examples of this variety. The region’s unique terroir imparts distinct characteristics to Waipara Sauvignon Blanc, often featuring citrus and tropical fruit notes.

Gewürztraminer: Gewürztraminer is cultivated in some areas of Waipara, and the grape variety thrives in the region’s cooler climate. The wines often showcase intense floral aromas, lychee, and spice, making them a distinctive expression of the grape.

These grape varieties, grown in the diverse soils and influenced by Waipara’s unique terroir, contribute to the region’s reputation for producing wines with individual character and a sense of place. Winemakers in Waipara continue to explore and experiment with different grape varieties, contributing to the dynamic and evolving wine scene in the region.