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Gumbo Family Wines



Winemaking practices in the Waipara region of New Zealand share commonalities with those in other parts of the country, but each winery may have its unique approach.

Sustainable and Organic Viticulture:

Gumbo family adhere to sustainable or organic viticulture practices. This includes environmentally friendly methods such as reduced pesticide use, cover cropping, and biodiversity initiatives.

Hand Harvesting:
Hand harvesting is often employed for all our family estate wines. This allows for careful selection of grapes and minimizes the risk of damaging the fruit.

Gentle Crushing and Pressing:
Our winemaker often emphasize gentle crushing and pressing of grapes to extract juice without excessive tannins or astringency. This is particularly important for delicate varieties like Pinot Noir and Riesling.

Wild Fermentation:
We prefer wild yeast fermentation, relying on the natural yeasts present on grape skins and in the winery environment. This can contribute to the complexity of flavors in the finished wine.

Barrel Fermentation and Aging:
For certain grape varieties, such as Pinot Noir, barrel fermentation and aging in oak barrels is common practices. This imparts additional flavors, textures, and aromas to the wine.
Cool Fermentation:
Due to Waipara’s cool climate, we often employ cool fermentation techniques to preserve the fresh and vibrant characteristics of the grapes. This is particularly crucial for our Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling.

Minimal Intervention:
We adopt a minimal intervention approach, allowing the natural expression of the grapes and the terroir to shine through. This may include avoiding excessive use of additives or manipulation during the winemaking process.

Attention to Terroir:
Our winemaker often pay close attention to the influence of the region’s diverse terroir on the grapes. Different soil types, such as the Glenmark Gravels, are carefully considered to highlight the unique characteristics of the wines.

Winemakers may employ blending techniques to create well-balanced and complex wines. This can involve blending different grape varieties or wines from various vineyard blocks.

Given Waipara’s reputation for aromatic white wines, such as Riesling and Pinot Gris, winemakers often focus on preserving and showcasing the expressive aromas and flavors of these varietals.